Four Brahmins -चार ब्राह्मण ( पंचतंत्र की कहानी ), Panchtantra, Panchtantra Stories, Panchtantra Stories In Hindi, Panchtantra ki Kahaniyan
Four Brahmins lived in a town. Three of them learned one of a kind aptitudes, while one knew nothing uncommon. Therefore, the other three thought of him as an oblivious and express blockhead.
When three educated Brahmins went to the city and made a plan to procure some cash. Seeing them going, the fourth Brahmin additionally mentioned coming.
यह भी पढ़ें - घर में नाखून की सुरक्षा एवं देखभाल करने के लिए आसान उपाय
What will you do with us researchers? Do you not know any such information that you can acquire cash?
Mmm… I will achieve created by all of you… .If you don't mind take me. The fourth Brahmin said demanding.
In the avarice of completing the work, every one of them concurred and he excessively strolled together.
While in transit to the city, there are thick woods in transit. In a hurry, they see a lot of bones dissipated at one spot. All stop there and there is a debate about which creature has a place with these bones.
At that point, a Brahmin says, Please, stop the futile contention, I will presently interface these bones with my arrangement of learning ...
What's more, when a lion's skeleton is prepared.
यह भी पढ़ें - चाय, बेड टी ( चाय ) के फायदे और नुकसान
Seeing this, another Brahmin needs to dazzle everybody by playing out his insight and places fragile living creatures and skin in that skeleton.
Presently where the third Brahmin was going to remain behind, he laughingly stated, What infantile acts would you say you are for the most part doing? I will show the genuine learning… I simply blow my life in this lion…
Furthermore, by saying this, he begins reciting.
यह भी पढ़ें - एक गिलास गुनगुना (गर्म) जल (पानी) के 15 रामबाण फायदे गैस, कब्ज एवं पीरियड के दर्द से हमेशा के लिए मुक्ति
Stop, stop, The fourth Brahmin yells uproariously…. What are you doing? In the event that this lion was alive…
At the present time, he isn't even ready to satisfy his point that the Brahmin who is reciting is roaring at him, Idiot Never opens your tongue among the little-disapproved researchers.
Furthermore, he begins perusing the mantra once more.
The fourth Brahmin comprehends that no one will hear him out here… and he flees quick and climbs a tree.
यह भी पढ़ें - JioMart (जियो मार्ट) क्या है (JioMart Kya Hai) - JioMart (जियो मार्ट) से सामान ऑनलाइन आर्डर कैसे करे
Then again, with the intensity of the mantra, the lion kicks the bucket.
A lion is a lion… a vicious… fatal… a human…. Who recognizes what made him….
Why he made… He just realizes how to slaughter and eat…
While viewing, the lion murdered all the three Brahmins and lost his stomach in the thick timberlands.
Seeing the correct time, the fourth Brahmin came back to the town… He was thinking in his psyche, What is crafted by such information which can decimate the understanding and comprehension of man.
Lesson - Never gloat of your training and you ought not to consider others stupid before you.
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